The models Int2lm and Cosmo

Last updated: Oct. 2022

The Cosmo model has been used by the titular consortium for operational uses and research and development until 2022, when the newer ICON replaced it. These links document the use of the COSMO model until then.

▸ COSMO model
   in a nutshell:

an overview of the components that made up the whole Cosmo environment

▸ core

the "official" user guides (pdf) on all aspects (physics, dynamics, data assimilation, user guide, formats etc)

▸ other

COSMO Technical reports
the vertical coordinates system (2010)
the Model Output and Data Formats for I/O (2019)
the Feedback File Definition (2012).

▸ general technical

dynamics and numerics
physical parameterizations
data assimilation
initial and boundary conditions
external parameters
code and parallelization

▸ initialization:

Int2lm is the interpolator model that produced lateral boundaries from the global driving Models

▸ release notes:

release notes (of changes and additions) for each Int2lm and Cosmo version

▸ FLake:

the fresh-water lake model for Cosmo

▸ dev-oriented:

for sometime (~up to 2014), developers kept account on:
bug reports and their handling
model developments per workroup
brief history on new developments per release

▸ coding:

the GRIB Data Format used for the COSMO-Model System
the COSMO Coding Standards