Work Group 5:

Last updated: 26 Jan 2022



The main responsibility of this working group is to take care for the verification of operational model forecast, the development of diagnostical tools and the research and application of new verification methods.

Below are listed the main working areas, together with a short summary of the work:

  1. Operational verification of surface and upper air parameters, using SYNOP stations and also when available regional high resolution observations network. Results are summarised in annual verification reports that since 2021 are provided through COSMO newsletter. Currently there are two semi-common domains that cover COSMO model operational domains, while statistical results over national domains are also exchanged during WG5 meetings.
  2. The Common Verification Software (CSV) within WG5 is MEC/Rfdbk system, that became available to all members through PP-CARMA. Continious update of system capabilities is persued.
  3. Verification of precipitation forecast using radar composite network using standard and fuzzy methods implemented through VAST COSMO software.
  4. Spatial methods investication and comparison, in collaboration with MesoVICT international project. PP-INSPECT was based on this collaboration, while PP-AWARE provided a focus on high impact weather events.
  5. Participation to NWP Test suite activity for the carefully controlled and rigorous tesing and caluclation of verification statistics for any new COSMO model test version.
  6. Inventory of any available point and gridded source of observations for verification purposes.


The WG5 scientific directions for the next few years are described through guidelines.